We are Looking for a skilled Ul/UX designer for our as product which includes a responsive web application, an Android app and an rOS app. Our ideal candidate should have the ability to turn client’s visions into intuitive designs.
Job Description
- To interact with US Design Team in developing elesig-nsfiuvireframes in order to meet feature requirements in new/existing software systems.
- To provide graphics and styles for the design of wirefrarnes.
- To track daily progress and communicate changes (and their impact) to management team
- To work with project teams to create the best possible application design, understanding our clients’ requirements and users’ needs. Projects may be any combination of web, applications, and mobile.
Your Skills and Experience
Your Experience and Qualifications
- 1-3 years of Ul/UX design experience for software, web apps and/or mobiLe devices.
- Mastery of core design concepts (composition & Layout, coLor theory, typography, etc).
- Wire framing and Light technicaL documentation,
- Experience with user interface and visual design patterns.
- AbiLity to take a design from concept to wireframe to pixel perfect
- Understanding of the iterative design process.
- AbiLity to collaborate and take input from others and learn quickLy.
- AbiLity to clearly communicate and work with opinionated individuaLs.
- Understand the technicaL feasibfLities of both web and mobile.
- AbiLity to explain design decisions.
- AbiLityto create front-end code (HTML/C5S/jQuery).
- Experience designing interfaces and interactions for reaL-worLd applications.
- Mobile app experiences a pLus.
- Experience with user interface and visual design patterns.
- Experience working in a structured, coLlaborative team environment (with cross-functionaL roles
- Like project managers, business associates and deveLopers).
How to apply?
PLease send us a Resume and PortfoLios. Pixel-perfect mockups, UX )AraLkthroughs, UI designs, Live product Links and code are aft accepted. Send us via clinavine@career.com
Why You’ll Love Working Here
- Opportunities to work abroad (US, AUS)
- Compliance tufty to Vietnam Labor code
- Company trip, team-building events
- 13th salary and project bonus
- Work-from-home poLicy
- Support Laptop
- Extra healthcare package